

I intend to take it easy for the next days to rest, and work on my website. I need to hibernate a bit! See you guys soon!


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Ironic post after my ''Ugly duck '' one ;0-). But there a nice looking guy I saw at lunch time.

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Ugly little duck!

The inspiration came after reading a old childhood book I just find yesterday in one of my boxes!

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Evil 2by4!

A very rough one after a conversation with Monsieur Keane! We where joking about the utility of braking pieces of board in some martial art class. Well very handy if you're walking in a dark forest and SUDDENLY surrounded buy wild evil flying 2by4 ..

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Gribouillage à 17:00 jeudi 12 Juin//Drawing session at 17:00, Thursday 12th June

Pique-Nique-Gribouillage au Parc Victoria. Apporter vos sketchbooks et du vin. ;0-) // Picnic-Drawing session in Parc Victoria ! Bring your sketchbooks, and some wine. ;0-)

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Jeanine II

I won't have the time to put some colors on this one again! Anyway there my contribution for

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