
Houuuu chilly!

If ever somebody find a dress like that give me a sign ;0-)!à suivre...


Free comic book day auction // Skate auction 2008

Mission accomplished!

My ''Futur'' skateboard for the silent auction 2008. The vernissage and the auction will be on the 27th of April at '' Le Cercle'': http://www.lecerclesurst-joseph.com
For more infos: http://www.transistordesign.com/

I learned at the last minute that we needed to stick to the ''REAL'' American super Hero (Tut! Tuuut! Tuuutt! Glourious trumpet sound) So StaticMan will sleep on my living room wall :0-).

So there Wonderbabe for the aunction. All the profit will go to a organism which help children to read. For more infos: http://www.imaginaire.com/ All the drawings will be on exhibit at the boutique and on the Imaginaire's website from the 26 April to the 3rd of May. End of the bet 3rd of May at 4pm.

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Skateboard silent auction 2008

Yes! I just received my skate!

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Congratulation Leif!

Congrats! To Leif for is Bédélys 2007: http://leiftande.blogspot.com/ and sorry again for the blog thing. ;0-) You know how absentminded I can be since the last couple of days!

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Super Zero!

Some clumzy sketch for a auction for the Free Comic Book day! All the profit will go to a organism which help children to read. We had to draw our fevorite Super hero....but I rather take the time to play around and try to make some of my own!
Whoops!!! Well I just learn that we absolutely need to stick to the ''classical americain heros'' stuff... :0-p.. I need to restart all over again...grrrr

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Why I don't know! Just another reason to play in photoshop.

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The big red rock in the river 1989!

Card for my childhood friend Jinny. She just had her second little skipper :0-))!

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No Muscadet! Not now we are going to be late again!

Tiny one for a friendly and colorfull old man ( walking is cat almost of the time) that I often bump into on my way to the job! Well I had to draw him smiling!
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